Monday, January 14, 2019

Measurement Unit

We have begun a new measurement unit in grade 4/5! We will be working through this unit throughout January and into February. Understanding of measurement concepts is essential to our daily lives because of its practicality and real world application. We use the clock to meet the obligations of daily life, keep appointments, maintain schedules, etc. Money is necessary to take care of all of the 'business' of life such as banking and shopping. Capacity, mass and volume are essential concepts in cooking! Work in the Measurement strand of the curriculum is closely connected with Number Sense and Numeration (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, estimation, etc.) 

Grade 4 Measurement Unit Learning Goals (Time, Money, Capacity and Mass): 
-Explore the relationships among different units of time and extend analogue clock reading skills to tell time to the nearest minute.
-Develop a concept of how long time intervals are by selecting activities, and estimating and measuring their duration to the nearest minute.
-Develop the skill of finding elapsed time in hours and minutes by making schedules and identifying the start and finish time of activities.
-Estimate, count money and make change through the use of play money, words, pictures, tables, etc. -Refine their sense of the litre and millilitre by estimating and measuring the capacities of various containers.
-Enhance their familiarity with the standard units of mass, the gram and the kilogram) by estimating and finding the masses of commonplace objects.

Grade 5 Measurement Unit Learning Goals (Time, Money, Capacity, Mass and Volume):
-Estimate and measure time intervals to the nearest second and record the time in standard notation (SI notation)
-Explore the relationship between time and distance (speed)
-Estimate and count money and learn various strategies for making change
-Further develop understanding of the millilitre and litre, reflect upon estimates of capacity and make reasonable predictions based on observations
-Make predictions and then measure and order a various of solids by volume using centimetre cubes
-Explore the connection between volume and capacity (using centimetre cubes & solid objects) by measuring the displacement of water
-Predict the volume of solids and make conversions between millilitres and cubic centimetres
-Measure, estimate and compere mass in milligrams, grams and kilograms.