Monday, December 9, 2019

Math Update - December

We have wrapped up our unit on patterning and have begun to explore algebraic equations and solve equations with missing numbers. In Math Up it explains that 'an equation is a statement of balance. What is on one side of an equation is equal to, or balances with, what is on the other side of an equation. These are all equations: 4+4=8, 4+4=6+2, 2x4=8, 8=4x2' 

This week, we will also begin our unit on Data Management. The learning goals of this Math Up unit are:

  • Create and interpret stem-and-leaf plots.
  • Create and interpret double bar graphs.
  • Compare two data displays by making inferences.
  • Understand how to figure out a median and what a median tells about a set of data. 

Friday, December 6, 2019

December Vocabulary Words

  • A note went home in your child's agenda on Monday with this information but here it is again!.
  • Throughout December we will be reviewing Advent and Christmas-themed vocabulary. We will be suspending our regular 'Word Study' words and will resume this in January! The words that are in BOLD will be in this week’s word study quiz and the remainder  will be in next week’s quiz. There will be NO QUIZ on Friday December 2oth. 
  • Advent, angels, announcement, Bethlehem, candles, celebrate, chimney, Christmas, decorations, elves, festive, greetings, holiday, Jesus, Joseph, Mary, miracle, mistletoe, poinsettia, present, reindeer, sacred, sleigh, stocking, togetherness, tradition, vacation, worship, wrapping paper, wreath.

Advent: A Time For Waiting and Preparing!

This past Sunday, was the first Sunday of Advent. Our Advent wreath is on our classroom prayer table and the tablecloth has been changed to purple in order to reflect this new liturgical season! The first purple candle has been lit on our Advent wreath (we have a paper flame) just as it was done at church on Sunday. Yesterday we had our first school-wide Advent liturgy to celebrate the start of Advent and several of our students were readers at that celebration! Advent is an important time in our church. It is is a time to prepare our hearts and minds for the birth of Baby Jesus at Christmas. As a class, we discussed and shared the things we can do to get ready for Jesus' birth at home, school and in our wider community. We used our ideas to create a daily reflection and build our classroom Advent calendar. Throughout Advent, our morning sharing circle we take place at the prayer table. We will optn up our reflection for that day and discuss it as a class. This will promote the hope of the season and help to remind us of the true meaning of Christmas which is the birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour!

Each day, a special helper from our 'Jobs Chart' unwraps the Christmas read story for the day. This is another one of our classroom traditions that we are doing in anticipation of Christmas!