Thursday, February 27, 2020

'Kids Can Do It' Scholastic Book Club

Image result for book club

We have begun our book club/novel study unit in Grade 4.  The theme of the unit is children taking action and using their abilities to bring about positive change! It connects nicely with the 'Chalice', our school-wide Lenten fundraising project and is very appropriate theme for the liturgical season of Lent! The book club will take approximately six weeks to complete. For now, will continue to have weekly word study words (unless I inform you otherwise). Our daily morning sharing/debate circle will continue as per usual.

There are several aspects to the book club:

  • Class Read Aloud text 'The City of Ember'
  • Shared Reading Activities
  • Small and large group discussions
  • Vocabulary enrichment activities
  • Independent reading time of individually assigned book club texts which are based on the approximate reading levels 
  • Group work activties based on assigned book club texts
  • Reader reponse activities (retell, predict, review)
  • Writing activities 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


A few reminders:

  • If Thursday, February 27th, is a Snow Day, pizza will be postponed until the following day
  • Linear Measurement Quizes have been sent home. They need to be signed and returned to school as soon as possible. Please review the quiz with your child at home. 
  • Your child is bringing home their Unit 3 Religion Letter (yellow paper)
  • Our Lenten Fundraiser begins today. Your child is bringing home a 'Chalice School Project Sponsor Form' (yellow paper). Please read about this amazing and worthwhile initiative! 

Pink Shirt Day!

Today the staff and students at St. Augustine School wore pink shirts to show their belief in kindness and rejection of bullying! Pink shirt day began when a high school student in eastern Canada, wore a pink shirt to school on his first day of school. He was mocked and made fun of for wearing pink. Upon hearing this, some of his classmates were very upset. They went out and purchased as many pink shirts as they could and many students wore pink shirts to school the following day. Through their actions, they demonstrated solidarity with the student who was treated unfairly and they also showed that they reject bullying and the unfair treatment of others! Pink Shirt Day has grown in popularity and is celebrated in many countries around the world!

Our Lenten Path of Kindness!

Today is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent! Lent is very sacred and special time for Catholics everywhere. Our prayer table cloth has been changed to purple and our crucifixes have been covered with sackcloth/burlap. Students will receive ashes on their foreheads this afternoon at our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. Throughout the season of Lent, we are encouraging kindness toward each other in order to prepare our hearts and minds for the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. We are inviting students to complete a 'stepping stone' that recognizes the kindness of their peers. We will use these 'kindness stepping stones' to build a 'path of kindness' on our bulletin board as we journey toward the joyful Easter season. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Multiplication (& Division) Facts Practice

Last week your child wrote a note in their agenda reminding them to add the daily practice of multiplication and division facts to their homework routine. As mathematical concepts increase in complexity, having a good handle on basic math facts will become even more imperative for your child to be successful in mathematics. There are plenty of ways you can support your child with this at home. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Make (or purchase at the dollar store) multiplication and division flash cards
  • Download work sheets from your computer as well as problem solving questions that involve both multiplication and division
  • Watch the 'Numberock' videos that I have downloaded onto this blog. The kids like them, they are catchy and they do help them build their recall of facts
  • Make muliplication and division practice fun and challenging for your child. Be creative and find ways to help your child that work for you! 
  • Take a closer look at the Ontario Curriculum expectations for a child at the grade 4 level so you are aware of what is expected at this age and stage. Have a look ahead at the grade 5 expectations so you know where they are headed!
  • 'Mathletics' Online Math Resource - Ask your child to show you how to access this resource! There are many great activities to explore and build numeracy skills.  
  • Dice War/Card War - roll the dice and be the first to shout out the multiplication answer. If you are using cards, jacks, queens and kings are worth 11, aces worth 12 and all the other cards are worth their value! 
  • Even though the expectation at grade 4 is to know multiplication and division facts up to 9 x 9 and 81divided by 9, make sure to practice the 10's (just add zero!) , the 11's (double the number up to 99 and then memorize the last two facts) and of course the 12's (I have downloaded a fun 'Numberock' video for the 12's)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! 

The 12 Times Table Song | Skip Counting by 12 for Kids

9 Times Tables Song | Skip Counting by 9 With Multiplication

8 Times Tables Song | Skip Counting by 8 With Multiplication

7 Times Table Song | Skip Counting by 7 Song with Multiplication

6 Times Table Song | Skip Counting by 6 | Multiplication Song

Skip Counting by 4 Rap Song | Dance the 4 Times Tables

Skip Counting By 3 Song | The 3 Times Tables Song For Kids