Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mark Your Calendars!

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Thursday, February 28th - Junior Ski Day

Tuesday, March 5th - Grade 6 Bake Sale (Fundraiser for end-of-the-year trip)

Wednesday, March 6th -  Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten Season.

There will be a liturgy at in the gym at 11:00 a.m. All parents/family members are welcome to attend!

Friday, March 8th - Math Measurement Quiz and Outdoor Winter Play Day (weather dependent of course)

MARCH BREAK - March 11th - 15th

Friday, February 22, 2019

Report Cards Reminders!

By now, most of the report card slips and envelopes have been returned to me. If you have yet to do so, please send back envelopes and report card slips next week! Once again, if you would like an interview with your child's teacher(s), it's not too late to complete complete the form that was enclosed with the report card OR simply write a note in your child's agenda!

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Black History Month

February is 'Black History Month.' On Monday we contributed our ideas during our 'Sharing Circle' about 'Black History Month' (what we knew about it already, thought we knew, questions we had, etc.). Then we looked up the history and meaning of 'Black History Month' on the internet to learn more about it's origins, countries that celebrate it and which months they celebrate it, etc. Then, we watched a video of some African-American students explaining what 'Black History Month' is, and what it means to them, in their own words. On Monday, and again today, we shared the story of 'Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt' which is about a young slave girl who made a quilt that was really a map, in order to escape from slavery into Canada, via the 'Underground Railroad.' Many slaves after her, used her quilt in order to reach the same freedom in Canada.' Throughout our discussions and book talk this week, we have been focussed on identifying the 'Big Ideas' behind 'Black History Month.' The students understand the importance of remembering the extreme efforts and sacrifices that were made in order to fight for freedom and uphold human rights and freedoms. I was amazed at their insights and how easily they made connections between past and present and the 'Golden Rule.'  

Monday, February 4, 2019

Language Arts - Mystery Book Club

Image result for mystery

We are starting our 'Literacy Place-Crimes, Clues and Suspects Book Club.' As you may have guessed, the book club unit will be based on mysteries! The unit will cover many aspects of language instruction.

Reading:  Reading comprehension strategies are taught through the mystery-based teacher Read Aloud (Mystery at Turtle Lake) and Shared Reading texts provided by the unit.  We will work as a group to develop our understanding of texts read during our shared reading sessions.
Students will be given one of four different different novels to read for the book club (these have not been assigned yet). There will be opportunities for independent reading and other times they will be be reading their novel in small groups.

Oral Language:  Throughout our book club sessions, there will be many class and small group discussions which will give students opportunities to articulate their thoughts and ideas to others. Students will also have the opportunity to further develop their listening skills by listening to, and carefully considering, the various ideas and viewpoints of their peers.

Writing:  Students will participate in a variety of reader response writing activities throughout the book club unit (e.g. mystery jot notes, prediction sketches, written responses to comprehension questions, etc. ) Additionally, students will write their own mystery story!

The 'Mystery Book Club' should be an exciting learning journey in grade 4/5!