Thursday, September 26, 2019

'The Best Part of Me' Opinion Paragraphs

In Language Arts, we are learning all about the important components of a good paragraph: topic sentence, at least three supporting ideas and a strong closing sentence that links back to the original topic sentence. Then we read the book 'The Best Part of Me' by Wendy Ewald. In the book, children talk about their bodies in both pictures and words. We read and discussed the book together as a class and brainstormed with each other our favourite body parts and the reasons for our choices. Students shared their opinions by writing paragraphs about their favourite part, following the paragraph writing format taught. 

We learned all about the important components of a good paragraph: topic sentence, at least three supporting ideas and a strong closing sentence that links back to the original topic sentence. Then we read the book 'The Best Part of Me' by Wendy Ewald. In the book, children talk about their bodies in both pictures and words. We read and discussed the book together as a class and brainstormed with each other our favourite body parts and the reasons for our choices. Students shared their opinions by writing paragraphs about their favourite part, following the paragraph writing format taught. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

An Update on Library Visits!

Image result for library

For students in grades 4-6 at our school, visits to the Library/Learning Commons are NOT weekly but rather, every second week. I have requested that the students be allowed to increase the number of books they are able to check out so on our next visit this coming Monday, September 30th, they will be allowed to check out TWO English books and ONE French book. As always, students will not be allowed to check out books if they have not returned their books from their previous visit.

Word Study

Image result for Word Study

On Monday, we began our weekly 'Word Study.' Students will be given approximately 12 new words at the beginning of each week which they will write in their agendas. The words will all contain a common sound or spelling pattern (i.e. short and long vowel sounds, combined vowel sounds, word ending patterns such as ‘ing’ or ‘ed’, etc.). By examining the spelling patterns in the words we build word knowledge that can be applied to both reading and spelling. Students should familiarize themselves with their words at home (i.e. have a family member test them orally on their word list, independently practice writing them out as a list, orally use the words correctly in a sentence, etc.). There will be a word study quiz each Friday!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Home Reading Logs & Library Visit

Image result for homework

Today your child is bringing home their home-reading log (green duotang) which marks the beginning of our new homework routine. The reading log should remain with their agendas at all times in the ziplock bag which will help to prevent any water damage from bottle leaks and spills!

Your child is to read for 20-30 minutes per day, Monday-Thursday. As they read, they need to complete one ‘4-Square Handout’ (these are in the green duotang). They are to complete ONE section PER night and write their answers beside the dots. ONE completed ‘4-Square’ is due each Friday with a parent signature. The first page of the reading log contains the instructions and some sample responses to help guide your child with each box. If your child is reading a different book each evening as opposed to the same chapter book throughout the week, then write the book title within each square every night. Thank you for your supporting your child in becoming a strong reader!

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We had our first library visit this morning! At this stage of grade 4, students are allowed to check out one English book and one French book. A reminder that we will visit the library each Monday (unless it is a holiday) and that your child will not be able to check out books if they haven't returned the previous week's borrowed books.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Program Night Newsletter

Thank you to those families that were able to participate
in our ‘Student-Led Program Night’ at St. Augustine School!
If you were unable to attend, this post is the same information
that was shared in the handout which will be sent home with
your child in paper form. Please take the time to read through
the items in this newsletter. If you have any questions, write
me a note in your child's agenda!

Student Agenda:
The student agenda is the primary communication tool
between school and home! PLEASE Initial your child’s
agenda each day and check for any communications from
school. If you wish to speak with me, write a note in the
agenda and be sure to include the phone number you would
like me to use in order to reach you.
I will contact you as soon as possible!   
This class blog will be the primary way that classroom learning will be communicated. Think of it as an online newsletter! Make sure you subscribe so that you receive notifications of weekly posts.
Subjects Taught Each Morning: 
Math, English Language and Family Life taught by Mrs. Stratford
and Religion will  be taught by Mrs. Gravelle.
Mathematics - Five strands: Number Sense and Numeration,
Patterning & Algebra, Measurement, Geometry and Spatial Sense,
Data Management and Probability.
Language Arts  - Includes Reading, Writing,
Oral Communication & Media Literacy
Family Life/Religion  - ‘Fully Alive’ Program used by OCSB
for Family Life. For Religion instruction the ‘Growing in Faith,
Growing in Christ’ resource is used. 
To learn more about provincial curriculum expectations please
visit the Ontario Ministry of Education Website:
Daily Reading (Monday-Thursday) of approximately 20-30 
minutes for grade 4 students . Green ‘Reading’ duotang has
tracking sheets and instructions which should be kept with
the agenda in the freezer bag. They will be reviewed by the
teacher on a weekly basis. 
In the future there may be additional homework
expectations (i.e. math homework,  special projects,
tests to study for, word study, concept practice/review sheets, etc.).
If this occurs, there will be a communication in the agenda.
The OCSB Student Portal has many programs that your child
may access from home in order to enhance learning:
Consider the following alternatives to homework
(and screen time): cook/bake with your child, encourage
him/her to build or make something, exercise/be active,
outdoor play.
Housekeeping Items:
Library/Learning Commons:  We will visit each Monday
morning.  Your child will only be able to sign out new books
if their previously checked out books have been returned.
Dress Code: white on top and navy blue on the bottom.
No jeans (except on Fridays when students may choose
their own outfits). 
Litterless lunches/boomerang lunches  in effect which means
that ALL garbage comes home.

All snacks must be nut/pineapple free due to life
threatening allergies.

Students are encouraged to have  healthy snacks only in
the mornings and save their treats for the afternoon!
Please send in necessary utensils as plastic utensils will
not be distributed.

Only water bottles allowed to stay on desks. No juice or
soft drinks.
Request for Headphones: Please please send in a pair
of earphones/earbuds for your child. They are extremely
important for your child to have when he/she is using
technology. Kindly label them and place them in a labeled
ziplock bag.
Donations: If you wish to make donations to the classroom,
please select an item(s) from the wish display photo in
this post! Donations are totally optional and always
Picture Day: October 9th, 2019.
Volunteering:If you plan on volunteering for any school
trips or events this coming year, the OCSB now requires
that ALL volunteers complete a Police Records Check.
The police records check has a small fee, can be done
online and takes approximately 24 hours to process. 
The process for completing a complete records check
can be found at this link:
This link can be found on the St. Augustine School
website under announcements on the HOME page
& under Newsletters on the NEWS & LINKS page. 

Thank You Again! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Building Our Classroom Community and Learning to Collaborate

Over the next few weeks we will continue to focus on building our classroom community, getting to know each other and establishing routines and expectations!

Since the first week of school, the students have participated in a variety of cooperative games. In the card pyramid challenge, the students had to work with group members to build the highest pyramid they could out of cards. They were asked to first attempt the task without speaking which they found extremely difficult! When they did the activity the second time, and were allowed to speak with each other, they were much more successful.

In the cup stacking activity, students were asked to build a pyramid out of solo cups using a rubber band controlled by strings. They were not allowed to touch the cups with their hands. Through communication and listening to the ideas of others, all of the groups eventually succeeded in the task.

In our consolidation of learning, we co-created a collaboration anchor chart.  Listening to the ideas of others, using kind & encouraging words and trying a variety of strategies to solve problems, were just some of the things that students observed good collaborators do.