Monday, April 15, 2019

A few Updates..

This past Friday morning we had our school-wide dance-a-thon to wrap up our fundraiser for 'Ok Clean Water.' The junior students danced their hearts out 2nd block (some teachers too) so much so, that I had difficulty taking pictures of them that weren't blurry!

To mark the beginning of Holy Week and acknowledge the solemnity of this week in the Catholic Church, we began our Monday morning with a school-wide 'Praying in Colour' session led by Mr. O'Brien over the audio system. It was amazing how attentive and prayerful the students were throughout the session which lasted 10-15 minutes. We posted their colourful prayers on the whiteboard so that the students could look at them throughout the day and be reminded of whomever they were praying for. Ask your child to tell you all about what 'Praying in Colour' means to them!

St. Augustine School will be attending the 'Peace Festival' mid-May. All students who are interested in attending the festival must write an 'application' letter explaining why they think they should attend the festival.  Only 20 junior students will be selected to attend as representatives of St. Augustine School.  In the letter, students are encouraged to include examples of things they are doing in order to promote peace, resolve conflicts, ways that they are making a difference in the community/world, etc. Students will be provided with a detailed explanation in-class about this process. The deadline for applications/letters is April 26th. 
Image result for peace clip art free

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