In Math we continue to explore fractions. We have also been talking about measurement concepts , specifcally the length of the sides of regular shapes (measured in cm and mm) as they relate to the perimeter (the distance around a shape) of shapes. We have exploring the concept of area (the amount of surface a shape covers) and learning to calculate area as L x W = Area, for squares and rectangles (gr. 5) or by counting the grid squares inside a shape and expressing our answer in square units (gr. 4). We are also exploring probability concepts by performing basic experiments with spinners and coins. In language we continue to examine the advertising techniques used by companies to sell products, journal writing and our morning debate and sharing circle.
Upcoming Dates and Reminders:
-Friday, June 21st, Seniors from 'The Ravines' retirement residence will be visitng St. Augustine in the morning
-Tuesday, June 25th, Term 2 report cards are distributed
-Wednesday, June 26th, Outdoor play day for all students in the morning
-Thursday, June 27th, last day of school for students
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