This past month we have been working our way through our first 'Math Up' Unit: Representing Whole Numbers (Number Sense and Numeration).
Throughout this unit students have been learning to:
1) Represent numbers using units of thousands, hundreds, or tens.
2) Represent and rename numbers using combinations of units of
thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. (e.g. 310 is the same as 3
hundreds and 1 ten)
3) Represent numbers to 1000 using number words.
4) Recognize that certain respresentations fo a number can reveal
particular characteristics of that number (e.g. when we see the
representation of 1240 as the number sentence 620+620 we know
it is an even number
because there is a zero in the ones place).
5) Make inferences about numbers from given information/figure
out numbers based on a set of clues.
Our next 'Math Up' unit will be: Patterns (Patterning & Algebra).
The learning goals of the unit are:
1) To describe how a repeating pattern continues and create repeating patterns.
2) Describe how growing patterns continue, and create growing patterns.
3) Describe how shrinking patterns continue, and create shrinking patterns.
4) Accurately follow a pattern rule and make predicions based on that rule.
5) Propose a pattern rule that describes a given pattern and make predictions
based on that rule.
Your child is assessed in math based on daily work and 'your turn'
questions from the unit, participation in 'Minds-On' activites and
'Number Talks', teacher observations, summative assessments of
learning, etc. From time to time there are also math tests and pop quizzes.
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