Saturday, March 28, 2020

Learning From Home During Week #1

Thank you to those parents who provided me snapshots of some of the learning activities taking place at home during week #1 of the school closure! In addition to communicating learning goals for the students, this blog is a wonderful way to showcase what we are doing and to share the many creative ideas of our grade 4 families!  I invite you to email me a few photos of your child by next Friday April 3rd at noon so that I can include them in my weekly photo review!
Applying fraction and measurement concepts to the real-life task of baking yummy chocolate chip cookies 
Enjoying a family natutre walk together! 
A daily schedule helps to keep things organized

Working on Math & Language Tasks
Art time - What beautful rainbows!

Time to get our exercise & build our muscles!

1 comment:

  1. I work on Parliment Hill Centre block doing the Night Shift And I dont get to see my son Since This All started so I wint be blogging his school activities .. but he is learning from reading and math history so on
