Dear, Families,
This is week #13 of distance learning. Time certainly has flown by! Summer is just around the corner and the school year is beginning to wind down, however, we will continue to engage and participate in learning activities over the next couple of weeks!
Parents will begin retrieving student belongings from school this week. I am sure the students will be very eager to have their things back! See last week's newsletter from Mrs. OBrien for all of the details related to the picking up of student belongings. Don't forget to bring any overdue library books with you. There will be a place for you to deposit them.
Last week we had a smaller turnout at our weekly hangout, however, it was very productive! We talked about the 'Memory Slide Show' project and what it means to set personal goals. We also did a Number Talk and played a Kahoot together.
Here are some of the exciting things that were shared at last week's hangout: Ms. Carisa finally got to visit her grandmother who has just moved to Ottawa and has been self-isolating in her new long-term care facility. She was able to see her through the window and chat with her on the phone; Layla is on the hunt for a new bike that will fit her. So far she hasn't had any success but they are still looking; Naomi was supposed to get her new puppy in August but received the wonderful news that they will be getting her early. Pandora is the new addition to their family!; Jessica and her mum went for a long bike ride together and did some shopping. She also has a new powerbar in her room which enables her to plug in all of her devices, etc.; Daniella had another swim in her mum's friend's pool and she tells us that the water was a refreshing 70 degrees Farenheit (about 21 degrees celcius!); Mila introduced us to her hamster Ginger and also reports that she has a new silver/turquoise bike whcih she is riding every day; Kristen's puppy Camilla is making another trip to the vet for her second round of vaccinations; Nicky was telling us all about the plans for his mum's birthday which was last Wednesday. Nicky's Dad was planning to cook a surprise barbecue dinner for his mum!; Julia went bike riding and mini-putting on the weekend. Unfortunately, their excursion ended with her 5-year-old step-sister having an accident and requiring stitches in her knee; Danayit was telling us all about the tomatoes and carrots that she and her mum planted in their mini backyard garden.
This week in math we will be doing a daily math word problem and exploring the Mathletics digital resource. In Language we will continue to work on our slide show, do journal writing activites and read.
I will be holding 'office hours' again today from 10:00-10:30 a.m. Your child received an google hangout invitation to my office hours last week. It's an opportunity for the students to and ask me any questions they may have in real-time.
Have a wonderful week! If you have any questions or concerns or need to touch base with me for any reason, I can be reached each morning via email at:
Mrs. Stratford
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