"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you'll land among the stars." Anonymous
Monday, January 25, 2021
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Curriculum Update
Each day we begin our math class with either a number talk or a 3-Act Task. Both the Number Talks and 3-Act Tasks help to develop a multitude of skills such as numeracy, mental math calculations, estimating, critical thinking and reasoning. They also allow us a chance to hear the ideas and mathematical reasoning of others which is a great way to stretch our math brains.
Our focus in math last week was perimeter. This week we continue with the Measurement strand but our focus is area. All of information about this unit is also in the Math section of the Hapara Workspace (in their grade specific folders). I strongly suggest that you ask your child to give you a tour of their Hapara Workspace so that you have an idea what they are using each day. It would also give you a chance to see all of the useful information and tools (e.g. the virtual math manipulatives resource) that are posted there. Each math theme/topic in the workspace is colour coordinated so that it is easier for the students to to navigate (this week the cards are all minty green). It's a small thing but I think it makes it a little easier for them to navigate.
The Area Unit has been divided up into 4 lessons. A summary of key learning goals, ideas and definitions, is included on each daily work sheet for students to revisit as they are working through their tasks following lessons.
Grade 4 Lesson Topics and Learning Goals:
Lesson #1 - Estimating and Measuring Area: The learning goal of this lesson is to estimate and measure area using a variety of tools and units. Lesson #2 Comparing Perimeter to Area: The Learning Goal of this lesson is to recognize how the meaning of perimeter and area differ. Also, to explain how comparing the values for the perimeter and area of a shape provides information about what the shape looks like.Lesson #3 One Area, Multiple Shapes : The learning goal of this lesson is to recognizse that shapes can have the same area but look quite different.Lesson #4 The Area of a Rectangle: The Learning Goal of this lesson is to recognize relationships among the lengths, widths, and areas of rectangles.
Grade 5 Lesson Topics and Learning Goals:
Lesson #1: Estimating and Measuring Area = Learning goal is to apply the concept of area to estimate and measure polygonal areas. Lesson #2: Creating Shapes with the Same Area = Learning goal is to identify and apply the independence of area measures and shape. Lesson #3: Relating Area to Lengths & Widths of Rectangles = Learning goal is to develop and apply the formula for the area of a rectangle.Lesson #4: One Area, Multiple Shapes = Learning goal is to predict how changing the shape of a polygon without changing its area might affect its perimeter.
Two to three times a week we have a sharing circle or a class debate. Yesterday I divided the class into four groups and we used break-out rooms to come up with our ideas about the debate topic which was: Should there be more recess time in a regular school day? I presented pro's and con's of each side of the debate and then each group was assigned a position to take (otherwise we know what most kids would say). They used their time in the breakout rooms to come up with their summary of their groups reasons for whichever side they were asked to defend. Each group was appointed a spokesperson. This seemed to work quite well. I popped in for a visit to each breakout room and they were all focused on the task-at-hand.
Each day I ask the students for their '30 Book Challenge' results. I am tracking these on paper and will update our tracking chart once we return to the classroom. The students are doing quite well with this challenge and I've been encouraging them to keep it up!
We are over halfway through our class novel 'Wonder.' Daily reading is part of our routine and I continue to align the chapters I read each day with Madame D'Aoust who is reading it to them in French.
We continue to receive new Word Study words each week. There is a document of Word Study activities assigned each Monday which must be completed by the end of the week. For now we are not having a Word Study quiz each Friday although we did play a Kahoot last week which does provide me with some feedback about their understanding.
At the end of last week students completed their 'Book Creator' writing assignment all about their goals for 2021. All week students have been presenting their books to the class. Everyone will have presented their books by the end of this week.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Reflecting On This Past Week!
We have come to the end of week #2 of online learning. We seem to have a good routine in place. Again, I am pleased with how punctual, respectful and responsible the students have been. I want to thank all the parents for supporting their children at home while they balance the demands of jobs, children learning from home, etc. As a mum of three kids who are participating in online school from home (and a wifte to a grade 2 teacher who is teaching from our basement!), I completely understand the challenges of these unprecedented times.
During our morning discussion today, I asked the students to reflect on something they felt was successful about online learning this week (or that they liked) as well as something that would make online/virtual school better.
Here are some of the positives that the students shared:
not wearing masks, sleeping in, spending more time at home with their families, not having to rush out the door early, not having to take the bus to school, wearing whatever they want as opposed to the uniform, using tech applications and getting better at using tech and spending time with their pets
Here are some things that they shared would make online/virtual school better:
if we could use virtual reality applications, if there weren't so many tech glitches at home, if we had more recess and break times, less time on the computer, more 'break-out' rooms, if everyone had printers so that they could print up work and complete it on paper instead of the computer, if there were less interruptions from siblings.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Math Focus - Measurement
During the week of January 11th, we will be launching a new linear measurement unit in both Grades 4 and 5. The focus will be length and perimeter. Following virtual lessons each day, students visit their Hapara workspace on the student portal in order to complete their individual task. There are also helpful resources in the workspaces for them to access. If you haven't seen your child's student portal maybe ask them to give you a tour and show you the Hapara workspace. For each lesson, I will include an overview of the learning concepts in the student worksheets so that you may support your child in their learning.
You may need to help your child gather the necessary tools at home for this unit such as a ruler, metre stick or measuring tape. There may be additional materials needed such as toothpicks, string or straws needed throughout the unit. It is up to your child to read the instructions on the activity card carefully but they may need help gather necessary materials. In their math folders in Hapara I have also included a resource called 'Math Manipulatives.' This may be prove very useful for your child during remote learning.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Word Study - Week #11 Jan. 11th-Jan 15th
Grade 4 Words (12):
'sher' pattern, academic vocabulary
split, half, totally, finally, locally, fresher, usher, crusher, balance, arithmetic, parentheses, bracket, percent
Grade 5 Words (15):
altered sound ('tial'), academic vocabulary
suppose, coast, noodle, autumn, lizard, ambulance, torrential, essential, impartial, influential, palatial, residential, turtle, symbol, brace
Our First Week Back to Virtual School!
What a week it has been! After a rocky start with some Board-wide tecnhology difficulties on Tuesday morning, I think we are finally getting into the swing of things. As you are all aware, remote learning will continue for two more weeks. At this point (and things could always change) the students are expected back in school on Monday, January 25th. I am really hoping that we will all be together at St. Augustine School on that day, but if I have learned anything in this past year it is the importance of flexibility!
I have been very impressed with the students this past week and I told them all this yesterday. They are being courteous and trying their very best. Students are showing up on time, dressed and ready for their school day, muting their microphones and being attentive, following my directions, participating in breakout room discussions and answering questions. It's been wonderful. I feel like we have all been on a journey of resilience together and I truly proud of this wonderful group of students and thankful for your continued parental support.
Next week we will be starting a new unit in math on linear measurement. We will resume our weekly spelling words/activities and continue to hone our writing skills through various activities. I will also be doing some reading comprehension activities. More details will follow in an upcoming post about classroom learning goals.