Friday, January 8, 2021

Math Focus - Measurement

During the week of January 11th,  we will be launching a new linear measurement unit in both Grades 4 and 5.  The focus will be length and perimeter. Following virtual lessons each day, students visit their Hapara workspace on the student portal in order to complete their individual task.  There are also helpful resources in the workspaces for them to access.  If you haven't seen your child's student portal maybe ask them to give you a tour and show you the Hapara workspace.  For each lesson, I will include an overview of the learning concepts in the student worksheets so that you may support your child in their learning. 

You may need to help your child gather the necessary tools at home for this unit such as a ruler, metre stick or measuring tape.  There may be additional materials needed such as toothpicks, string or straws needed throughout the unit.  It is up to your child to read the instructions on the activity card carefully but they may need help gather necessary materials. In their math folders in Hapara I have also included a resource called 'Math Manipulatives.' This may be prove very useful for your child during remote learning. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! 

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