Monday, April 27, 2020

April 27th - May 1st

Greetings Grade Four Students and Families!

As we begin our sixth week of distance learning and school closures, I want to once again, begin my weekly post by reminding everyone that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health/wellness are a priority for everyone at this time.  Learning activities and goals set out by teachers are optional.  Families must make decisions that suit their individual needs.  Please prioritize the health and wellness of your family and make decisions about distance learning that work best for your family!

Our attendance at weekly google hang outs is growing steadily! We had 13 participants this week! I am hoping this number will be even bigger next week. We did a 'check-in' with each other and talked about Earth Day as April 22nd was the 50th anniversary of this special day. One of the students aptly said that every day is earth day and I couldn't agree more! The invitation to next week's hangout was sent on Friday.  Please mark your calendars and join the hangout a couple of minutes early so that we can begin on time! I am really enjoying seeing all of the student's faces and catching up. It is really special that we are able to come together in this way. Of course, it isn't nearly as good as the real thing but it is the best we can do under the circumstances.

A few students shared writing pieces from their 'Time Capsule' project. I really enjoyed reading Naomi's letter to her future self. If students haven't completed their time capsules, they can continue to work them.  For students that are ready to share their time capsules, I am inviting them to do a 'Show and Tell' on Flip Grid - the link has been included in the Monday, April 27th slide. That link will remain open for kids to contribute as they finish!

The google slide deck 'Gr. 4 Weekly Work' offers some exciting new learning opportunities.   Over the next few weeks in language we will be writing speeches! Included in the instruction slides, are some awesome examples of student speeches to watch that will hopefully inspire the students.  This speech writing adventure provides an opportunity for students to explore their passions and interests and to share then with others! I am super interested to see what topics students choose for their speeches. Final topic choices must be approved by me BEFORE they begin writing the first drafts of their speeches. When we are finished our speeches we will share them either in a hang out OR on a Flip Grid - I haven't decided yet!

In math we are finished with fractions and decimals up to the tenth and the hundredth. We are now  shifting our focus to a new math strand: geometry. Students will learn about the properties of quadrilaterals, 3-D Prisms and Pyramids. Students will also get a chance to explore the skeletons and nets of 3-D figures and the difference between skeletons and nets.  There are a couple of fun math games to explore too! Lesson instructions and useful information are on the slides and worksheets are in the Math folders of their Google Drives.

Please remember to share photos with me so that I can put them on our class blog!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or there is any way that I am able to support learning from home, please contact me via email:
Please note that I continue to maintain my half-time teaching schedule and can only be reached in the mornings.  

Mrs. Stratford

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